Ayiyiyi so this is wayyy overdue, I totally forgot about my blog! ..oops well anyways i have had quite the past month! i'm not sure what to write about... hmm
the entire family went to get pedicures! hahah
ok well i dont really know where i left off but i will start with my unexpected trip back to the lovely US of A. sadly it was not under the best of circumstances, but I wasn't going to miss the celebration of a life that has had such an impact on my own. Bobbin was my best friend. partially because he loved me the most :) but also because of his great sense of humor, enormous smile, screaming cheers at field hockey games, hysterical quotes ("for WHATTTT?") optimism, generosity, and simple joy he brought everywhere he went. i was blessed to have him in life and couldn't thank him enough for his last gift to me, the ability to come back to connecticut and spend time with friends and family. i will be forever grateful for Bobbin, everything he gave me and the gifts that I continue to receive in his memory.

although it was hard to leave my oh so familiar life in the states and at la Trinité i enthusiastically went back to Paris knowing that just one week later I would be traveling to Croatia. Honestly, how could I complain, the US, Paris and Croatia all in one week? I seriously am living the life! Not knowing anything about Croatia, I, along with five new friends from Boston College, traveled to Cavtat, Croatia. (just a thirty minute drive outside of Dubrovnik) The minute we landed my roommate, Mia, and I knew we were in heaven. the taxi driver was so friendly, the hotel workers were all great and no one staying in the hotel was under the age of 65. heaven right??

The first day we spent relaxing by the pool..it was amazing - there really arent any other words to describe it! The views were gorgeous with crystal blue water and mountains surrounding us on every side. the town was the size of our neighborhood in st. louis and because it was early april, aka not tourist season, we stuck at like a sore thumb as the six american girls who are wearing shorts and t-shirts. the locals still considered the sixty degree weather winter and a man even told us that it was the weather for penguins...
obviously we didnt feel the same way, here are all of the girls from BC, Brianan, Mia, Jackie, Carolyn, and Emma!
the second day we took a trip to Dubrovnik, which is the biggest tourist town in Croatia. It was such a beautiful old town with windy narrow roads and really friendly people. we spent the day climbing the wall around the town. every step had a more beautiful view than the last, i think i took a thousand pictures of buildings and ocean instead of people that day!
mia and i
After we finished our trip around the town and ate lunch at a cute pizza place we decided to tackle the mountain -SRD pronounced kind of like surge but..not? it was a long hike but the view was gorgeous the entire time. the picture above shows us on top of the mountain and the little circle of buildings behind us was the entire town of Dubronik! you can even see to the bottom of the water from this high up!
haha the must-have jumping picture
after our fun-filled day we decided a bar on a cliff overlooking the adriatic was a much needed addition to our list of activities for the day. supposedly bill gates goes here when he visits dubrovnik..random?
the next day we took a cruise at 930 in the morning from our small town of Cavtat to dubrovnik and to three other small islands off the coast. they were all super small fishing villages with more beautiful views of mountains, beaches and cute little ice cream shops so basically more heaven :)
i met this really cute dog and although he is most likely a stray he was so cute and we were best friends for the short time i spent on this island
this is the view from our hotel - so GORGGGG
So after the week in Croatia I spent an entire week in Paris without any class. to say the least it was spectacular. all of my friends had friends and family in town so my days consisted of sleeping in, running and then wandering the streets of Paris for hours on end. this city is literally amazing and even though there are so many museums to go into and restaurants to eat in, there is even more to see and do when you walk around. only 24 days left in paris and im already freaking out!! i have a ton of work coming up but for now i'm off to the ROYAL WEDDING! more pictures to come and i promise to update this sooner than my return to the US for the summer! ahh
xoxo magpie