Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday Funday

First and foremost to my wonderful, amazing, beautiful, brilliant, magnificent and fantastic mama Debbie Epstein aka Marmie. she puts up with me, let alone her five other children and has made me into the woman that i am. i wouldn't be where i am today without her and i am counting down the days until we are back together as a family!! (13 days to be exact :))

Procrastination - While in Paris i can honestly say i have perfected this.. As of right now i have 3 ten to fifteen page papers, a 5 page french paper on french pride, a 15 minute presentation, an art history exam and memorize a scene from the play Rhinoceros to perform. and yet i am here at school. blogging.
these past two weeks have been more than amazing outside of school! i went to london and finally saw some of my best friends from camp who i had not seen in years! of course i always love spending time with camp friends and reminiscing the good old days and what better way than do it in london while watching the royal wedding??? after a 5:30 am wake up call and coffee with bailey's by 6 we were on our way to hyde park to watch the big event, along with 200,000 other crazed brits and tourists.
jessie and taylor at hyde park

with all of our 200,000 new friends

on millennium bridge

awkward...with the most expensive painting EVER

taylor wearing my newest purchase from camden market

these are some of the girls from my program in paris! we had a cinco de mayo celebration at my friends apartment - they have the craziest view of the eiffel tower!

camp foley reunion :)

this week has been the first time where i have really sat down to do work, other than my trip to the arc de triomphe which was great and had beautiful views of the city...and then a stop at pierre herme for macaroons! this trip and winding down and although i am SOOOO ready for summer, friends, family, tommy and tina's wedding and everything else i am really sad to be leaving paris :( i really have fallen in love with this city and am already planning my next visit back here